Today's hours: 10am - 5pm

Today at Fernbank

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Museum At Home

Animal Encounters

Animal Diets
Let’s take an up close look at some animal skulls to see how biologists can figure out what an animal eats just by looking at their teeth!

Animal Habitats
Learn about habitats by visiting the habitat of one of Georgia’s native species: The Green Anole!

Australian Bearded Dragon
Fernbank educator Cara will introduce you to Sherlock, an Australian bearded dragon.

Corn Snake
Fernbank educator Cara will introduce you to Billy, our resident corn snake.

Eastern Box Turtle
Fernbank educator Cara will introduce you to Pat, our resident box turtle.

Explore an amazing defensive adaptation with an up close look at one of Fernbank’s scaly ambassadors, Leche, a Sinaloan Milk Snake!

Venomous Snakes
Today we’ll be talking about venomous snakes: what kinds live in Georgia, how you can spot the difference between a venomous and non-venomous snake, and why both are important members of their ecosystem

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